New Left Current (NAR): We denounce the arrests and prosecutions against the Communist Party of Israel and anti-war activists

Σε κοινέςΚατηγορίες May Day 2024: Workers of the world against wars, militarization and the war economy Solidaridad internacionalista con el movimiento estudiantil de lucha en Argentina | Διεθνιστική Αλληλεγγύη στο Αγωνιζόμενο Φοιτητικό Κίνημα της Αργεντινής NAR for the Communist Liberation  Statement on the prosecutions against CPI and anti-war activists NAR and Communist Liberation Youth denounce … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε το New Left Current (NAR): We denounce the arrests and prosecutions against the Communist Party of Israel and anti-war activists.