The new growth of nationalism in Greece and its political consequences demand clear statement and moves that will stop the disorientation of the people, the innocence of the government and the “WE STAY IN EU”-group and also the rinsing of the fascist far right.
It is clear that those moves of USA in order to set open again the issue of the name of the state of FYROM is happening –as NAR declares at its final decision of its political committee- because the immediate integration of the country in NATO is preceded at the background of the plans of USA for Balkans and Eastern Europe, but the plans of EU also which wants to embody FYROM and generally the Western Balkans.
The pressures of USA occur in the background of the sharpening imperialistic competitions between USA-NATO-EU and Russia and the effort, especially USA’s, to embody the region of Balkans at their geopolitical plans.
For NAR it is clear that “the hegemonic part of bourgeoisies and the government try to set the issue of the name at the background of the new alliance with Trump’s USA and with the consent of EU. At the same time, there is a fight too and this fight for the name of the neighboring country reflects the competition for the economic and geopolitical influence of the imperialistic powers (USA, EU, Russia) and the neighboring states (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania), while we shouldn’t underestimate the nationalist shouts that exist at the both sides of the borders.
The Political Committee of NAR declares that “the Greek bourgeoisies is not at a position of defense towards FYROM, on the contrary, at the background of the effort of the Greek bourgeoisies to overcome its crisis, a lot of Greek companies (PPC, ELPE, DESFA, TITAN, VERO, SIDENOR, ELBISCO, etc.) expend in Balkans. We deal with this with the principle of a labor internationalist statement which is on contrast with the invade of NATO and EU at the region, we stand against the ‘NATOic peace’ which is everything but peace and the demands of the bourgeoisies and governments of the region, and especially as it is more our concern, the Greek ones.
Concerning NAR, a statement at the side of the labors and the people means that “we prefix the peaceful coexistence of the people, the inviolability of the borders that exist today at the region, the refuse of the enforcement of a name to the people of FYROM from NATO or USA, the refuse of the embody of FYROM at NATO and the leaving of Greece too, the right of the self-identification away from nationalisms with respect in the multinational character of the historical region of Macedonia and the recognition of the rights of the Slavomacedonian minority in Greece. We participate at this struggle with this basic slogans; No NATO at Balkans. Imperialists out of Balkans. Peace, friendship and cooperation of people, against nationalism at both sides of the borders. Total and equal rights in all minorities.”
So it is vital that the minorities will turn into bridges of friendship and peace between people and not a threat and an excuse for expansion, nationalism and wars that are promoted by the local capital.
In order to build and achieve an anti-imperialist, anti-war and anti-nationalist struggle we need to condemn the nationalist demonstrations along with respecting the multinational character of the historical and geographical space of Macedonia. Every people has the right to decide itself the name of its country and do not accept the names that will be given to it by the powerful ones, local and international.
The solution at the deadlock of the national competitions requires the common internationalist struggle and solidarity of the labors and the people against imperialism, the bourgeoisies and governments, nationalism, fascism and war.
The article is also available in Greek